Fall 2024 Nut Fundraiser Info
Board of Directors Office Personnel
James Widner, Chairman, Harrison Lisa Widner, Water Quality Technician / Office Coordinator
David Thompson, Vice Chairman, Lead Hill Jack Hensley, District Technician
Nita Cooper, Secretary/Treasurer, Everton Wendy Hendrix, USDA-NRCS District Conservationist
Bill Burns, Member, Alpena VACANT, USDA-NRCS Soil Conservationist Technician
Tim Crunkleton, Member, Everton
District Hours Board Meeting
Monday-- Friday 8:00 – 4:30 Second Tuesday of each month @ 10:30 am
Brief History
The Boone County Conservation District was organized as it is now constituted (all of Boone County, Arkansas) on May 12, 1958. Previously, the District had been in part a portion of Crooked Creek Soil Conservation District which was organized January 7, 1938, and Kings River-Long Creek Soil Conservation District organized July 24, 1939.
The purpose of the District is to assist land owners and operators plan and carry out a program for the conservation, efficient and economical use of land, water, and related natural resources.
Contact Info:
Federal Building 402 N Walnut Suite 125
Harrison, AR 72601
(870) 741-8600 ext. 3
Harrison, AR 72601
(870) 741-8600 ext. 3